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岁月清浅 人生无恙 --郑州市第四十七中学教育集团外教抗疫日记

作者:郑州47中 日期:2020-06-11 阅读:5476




郑州市第四十七中学教育集团外教Muniba Batool

The sudden outbreak of the novel Coronavirus was as traumatic for me as it could be for any other individual. The virus was contemporary, unique in its kind and the impact was widespread. It was mid-January when I received a voice note from a Chinese co-teacher to cancel all unnecessary trips and avoid exposure to the outside world, but only if it was inevitable. It caused an understandable panic and distress as I started to watch countless news reports and read as much as I could about the novel Coronavirus. The fear of contracting the virus haunted me through the nights and I suffered an acute insomnia in early days of the outbreak.



I lived on campus with my kids, and as the lockdown imposed, the hardest part was to relief their reactant boredom. Therefore, we established a bit of a routine and tried to be more productive to break the monotony. The disease spread and caused more deaths in China, and the government amplified precautionary measures. The struggle was real, I must say, and so was the fear. We were advised by the school representatives to be cautious beyond normal and register our body temperatures every day. They were there for me, to answer all my queries and lessen all my anxieties. There wasn’t a day when we were not taken care of. They always talked positive and firmly believed that the country had the potential to fight off all kinds of evil.




I was astounded by the visionary measures taken by the government at provincial levels, and how the doctors served heroically jeopardising their lives across the country. The school administration, without a doubt, took great initiatives. They established a virtual platform to resume teaching practices and ensured a smooth learning environment. A designated teacher helped me access and manipulate the E- learning platform which was again a wonderful opportunity to enhance my teaching abilities. It was the time to hold back fears and move ahead with great intensity.



The virus has seen its peak and we have entered the decline phase now. The dazzling Sun feels so warm now, the wilted branches have started to bloom, the air is full of the floral essence, and Zhengzhou no.47 stands un-yielded, sturdy and greatly convinced that the cure is approaching. 



My eyes have witnessed the best nation, a nation that deserves praise and glory, a nation that is born to rise and there is no force on Earth that can shake its foundation, no matter how hard they try.
